Talia Alanis was born and raised in Colombia by her grandparents. She was only 3 years old when she participated in her first beauty contest, and moved on to participate in Miss Colombia at the age of 19. Soon after that, Talia stepped out and pursued a career in acting. She starred in ‘Padres e Hijos’, produced by the Colombian Television Network, Caracol TV. She studied at the Performing Arts Theater, Fundacion Actuemos under Edgardo Roman.
She then moved on to Mexico City to join the largest mass media company in Latin America, Televisa. She was selected to join their acting school, CEA (Centro de Educacion Artistica) Televisa. Talia advanced quickly and completed the three-year intensive acting course in two years. Throughout her career, she studied the Stanislavski system, communication science, and video production. During her time at Televisa, she starred in two soap operas, TV commercials, and numerous theater productions.
Talia met her husband in Mexico City at a dinner party hosted by their church, and they were married in 2007. That same year, her husband was transferred to his company’s headquarters in the United States.
During this time of transition, Talia started her journey of discovering her true identity in Christ as she navigated through all the changes that come with a new marriage, becoming a mother, and immigrating to a new and unfamiliar country. She grew into the realization that true strength, health, and beauty comes from within. She spent a great deal of time studying health, not just physical health, but mental and spiritual health as well. Talia, though thankful for the education and experience she gained at Televisa, did not want to continue a career in soap operas. She did not feel that her previous roles represented who she is.
In 2009, Talia became pregnant with their first child. Due to her family history, she wanted to give her children the stability, unity, and undivided attention within a healthy family unit. She made the decision to put her acting and modeling career on hold as she focused on raising her children.
During the last couple of years, Talia again started focusing on her career as an actress and model. She joined Inspiring Actors under Jenn Gotzon Chandler as well as trained at Final Act Drama under Russ Randall. Talia also worked on her modeling career doing commercial work for brands such as Walmart, Audi, Busch Gardens, and Capital One. Often, she does commercial work with her two girls and husband.
Talia Alanis radiates elegance, strength, and influence. As an actress, she is versatile, mature, and confident. Personally, she has been an inspiration and influence to many women around her. She is an advocate for women, helping them live a healthy lifestyle, encouraging confidence and self-worth.

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