Interview Questions.
Tell us about growing-up in Cartagena?
I moved to Cartagena as a baby, so I call Cartagena my home. Growing up there means being surrounded by spontaneous, happy, and loud people. (yoohoo). We like music, beauty contests, parties, and baseball. That would explain why my first beauty contest was at the age of 3! Since I was a teenager I would go and watch the Miss Colombia parade and dreamed about being part of it. At 19 my dream came true and I became Miss Bolivar! I really love the picture below. This is a picture of me and my mom, she always encouraged me. She was a dancer, actress and she was very creative. She passed away in 2014.

Tell us more about your time at Televisa?
I felt privileged to be selected to be a part of the school because not many aspiring actors get this opportunity. It is one of the most prestigious schools in Latin Amerca. I gained a lot of knowledge and experience during my time at the academy. The CEA conservatory is a three-year school, that teaches acting for theater, TV, and film. Subjects included; jazz, ballet, body language, script analysis, and vocal techniques to name a few. We did practical workshops on TV to learn how to move in a set, be aware of the camera and at the same time be present in character. Fun fact; I had to learn to speak with a Mexican accent as it was one of the requirements to work at Televisa. The experience I gained from my time there, laid a firm foundation for my acting career, I am looking forward to expanding.

What other passions, besides acting, do you have?
Healthy living is another passion of mine. I am an advocate for it. In today's environment of processed foods, high sugar foods, and other chemicals that are harmful to us, I would like to influence, educate, and help women living healthier lifestyles. I learned that beauty, health, and strength starts within. I also know that being healthy does not just mean physical health, but mental and spiritual health as well. For this purpose, I did a Health Coaching Certification and I promote healthy living through my social media as well as public speaking engagements.

What has been one of the most memorable experiences you have had?
Also visiting Kenya, the whole trip was amazing. I saw animals in the wild that I have never seen before. We ate food we have never eaten before. We met wonderful people. The whole family enjoyed it together and we had a chance to get to know each other even more!

During your childhood who inspired you the most?
My Grandfather, he stepped into the role of father, when I was very young and raised me as his own. He fled Germany when he was only 15 as a Jewish refugee and started a whole new life in Colombia. Still, he remained positive and loved the people around him fiercely.

Tell me more about your marriage and moving to the USA?
I met my husband at a dinner hosted by friends within our church. We married and soon after had to move to the USA. The first couple of years were hard. People found it difficult to understand my ascent. I went to accent reduction classes (laughs). I had to rebuild my friendship and support structures in a new country and a new culture, but now I call the States home and would not want to move.

Most recently, what has been one of the biggest life-changing experiences for you?
My family and I, have had the privilege to tour Kenya. It was the first time our family has traveled international together, except for South-America to visits family. It was a humbling and wonderful experience that change the way I look at the world.

What is the most important thing that you would like to teach your children?
To know God, know their true identity, and be grateful for all we have been given. I would love to leave a legacy that will impact my daughters and their children for years to come by living out the plans that God has for me and walking in what I am called to do.